J. Everett Light Career Center is dedicated to providing programs that allow local high school students to explore their passion in an innovative, hands-on, and real-world environment. JELCC provides over 20 different, career-focused classes for high school students, using a hands-on, holistic approach. This allows students to create, explore, and solve problems, all while preparing them for post-secondary college and future careers. Each program’s curriculum is driven by rigorous career and college-ready standards in combination with state-of-the-art equipment and is delivered through best practices in methodology and technology.
Fast Facts
Career and Technical Education (CTE) students average a 96% graduation rate, significantly above the state average.
Over 600 students participated in Work-based Learning opportunities
93% of JELCC Concentrator students earn at least one industry certification.
In 2022-2023, over 780 JELCC students earned more than $1 million in college dual credit
Dual Credits & Certifications
All of our JELCC programs offer college dual credit and/or certifications that serve as valuable resources to help high school students pursue their next steps. JELCC programs can also assist high school students in meeting Indiana Graduation Pathway requirements as well as help students help meet requirements for an Academic Honors Diploma or Academic Technical Honors Diploma. Click on the links to see more about Dual Credits & Certifications.
Why Career-Technical Education (CTE)?
Check out the: IN CTE Career Guide
Next steps?
Fill out an Enrollment Form and let your school counselor know you would like to attend JELCC. Students are typically scheduled during either the morning or afternoon session, as recommended by their school counselor. Programs do fill up, so sign up today!
Not sure which program to choose? Come visit us by scheduling a Shadow or Tour or check us out on social media!

Our Mission, Goals, & Vision
The main purpose of the J. Everett Light Career Center is to provide the education and training needed by students to succeed in a chosen career and to bridge the gap between the school and the work force. Career-Technical Education (CTE) provides students options that combine the theory of a particular career with hands-on practice.
We are dedicated to preparing students for economic independence, personal fulfillment, and the ability to make a contribution within a global society. By building upon the interests and capabilities of our students, we create a culture of competency that is inclusive and defined.
Our curriculum is driven by both current industry practices as well as best practice methodology. Technology is a strong component of each and every career cluster. We are dedicated to the principle that Career-Technical Education complements the student’s total curriculum and expands opportunities and choices upon completion of the Career-Technical program. It is dedicated to those students who need, want, and can profit from this type of educational opportunity.
JEL Mission Statement
The J. Everett Light Career Center, with the commitment of its staff, parents, advisory committees, and business community, prepares students with skills training for success in college and the workplace.
MSDWT Mission Statement
The mission of Washington Township Schools is to develop lifelong learners and globally-minded citizens by fostering the academic, creative, and social skills needed to achieve excellence in a multicultural environment.

Who We Serve
Please allow us to introduce the high schools that partner with JEL.
If you are interested and do not see your school below, please contact us for more information. (Click here)

Meet the Director, Brian Funk
J. Everett Light Career Center
PH 317-259-5265 x44049
FAX 317-259-5298
“I am excited about my new role as Director at the J. Everett Light Career Center. I am passionate about making a difference in the world of Career and Technical Education.”
-Brian Funk
Mr. Funk is the new Director of JEL starting the 2024-2025 school year. He follows 18 years of leadership under Shawn Wright-Browner. Mr. Funk was Assistant Director at J. Everett Light Career Center from 2006 to 2024. In this role Mr. Funk provided leadership in the expansion of Career Technical Education (CTE) programs, providing opportunities for students to obtain dual credits, certifications and employability skills. Mr. Funk earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Technology Education and his Director of Career and Technical Education license from Ball State University. Mr. Funk also holds an M.A.E. and Building Level Administration license from Indiana Wesleyan University.